Curry – Tofu – Spread (vegan)

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Curry - Tofu - Spread (vegan)
  1. Soak the raisins as well as the mustard seeds in the apple vinegar for at least 10 minutes.
  2. Use kitchen paper to squeeze the tofu so that the liquid escapes. Then crumble with your fingers into a bowl (or with the help of a fork).
  3. Add all the other ingredients as well as the raisin and mustard seeds (including the vinegar!) and mix it well with the tofu.
  4. Season it with salz, pepper and agave syrup (about 1 teaspoon) to taste.
  5. Yum yum!
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Variaton: Cut mushrooms into cubes and roast in a coated pan, salted but without fat. Then stir it into the spread.

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